Sunday, August 16, 2009


Yeah! I did it. I guess i'm officially a member of d blog community. I've fiddled with this idea for years. This day goes down in history (yes, I like to feel important). On this rainy sunday afternoon, in the city of Portharcourt, a blog is born. She will be named sumptuous and she shall write about anything and everything she can think of. So about me (I think we need to get this out of the way) I am me, a 20 something year old Nigerian girl, currently serving her fatherland. I love writting, it's a means of escape, it's theraphy for me. That's it for now. I'm looking foward to this blogging experience.


  1. gerray from here, robby.

    i like the name, sumptous. ok, cos one yeye person called me that.


  2. Thanks guys. @yinkus, I was so named by a friend, it's his version of fat.

  3. Yeah u are now a memeber of the community, looking forward to ur stuff cos i already liek d way u write lol

  4. Yinkus as i sharp pass u why u kon dey cex, d race IS for the swift mehn

  5. Scribbles, that is technical wayo. Bout my writting, I'll try.
